International Training

Severance International Fellowship - Physician

SIF for International Physicians

Yonsei University Health System welcomes international physicians who wish to experience and learn from the abundant clinical activities at Severance Hospital. We also have research training programs available in basic science field, with access to plentiful resources and facilities of Yonsei University College of Medicine.
The departments available for international training are listed below.
The availability is subject to change according to the department schedule and conditions, and may change without notice.

Applying for Medical Hands-on Practice at Severance Hospital

If you are interested in medical hands-on practice during your clinical training at Severance Hospital, full participation of Severance International Fellowship – Prime Course [SIF-PC] is required when you apply for the permission of medical hands-on practice to the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare.

For more details of SIF-PC, please click here.

Tuition Fee

Your discount or waiver result for the tuition fee will be decided by your training department and professor. 

Inquiries about the tuition fee will be answered after your training period is approved.

table for Training Duration and Activities
Training Type Amount(USD)
Observation $2,000 / 1 month
Hands-on Practice $3,000 / 1 month

Candidates for Discounts or Waivers

table for Training Duration and Activities
Invitor Candidates
Yonsei University Health System Physicians from institutions that agreed to an MOU with YUHS
Physicians with a recommendation from a professor at YUHS
Physicians invited by the Medical Mission Center
Individual Physicians with a recommendation from an international trainee at YUHS
Physicians who are training at a different medical institution within Korea
Physicians with a letter of discount(waiver) request issued by his/her Ministry of Health or working institution

※ Physicians who come from developing countries are given preference to additional discounts and waivers.
   Please refer to the below link to check if you are applicable and state it in your 'personal statement.'
   OECD DAC List of ODA Recipients

Administration Fee

table for Training Duration and Activities
Training Type Amount(USD) Details
Observation $100 - VISA Support
- White coat rental
- International Scholar's Office
- Severance system registration (ID card, OR entrance etc.)
- Certificate issuance
Hands-on Practice $200
(Observation Admin Fee $100
+ Additional $100)
- All of the above
- Administrative support for applying hands-on practice to Korean MOHW

※ Administration fees are only charged at the beginning of your training. VISA extension fees are waived. 

※ However, if you extend your training period longer than your approved period, you have to pay for the admin fee additionally.

Payment(Administration Fee)

table for Training Duration and Activities
Item Contents
Bank Name Woori Bank, Yonsei Branch(우리은행)
Account Number

001 020 697 61010

Swift Code


Name of Receiving Account Holder

Yonsei University Health System (연세의료원)

Bank Address

50-1, Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, Rep. of KOREA

※ Payments must be made 2 weeks prior to the starting date of your training.

※ Please contact your training department individually for tuition fee payments.

Training Departments

Radiation Oncology
Emergency Medicine
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine