1) Please introduce yourself. Hello, I am Crystal Karen Go Retuya, 38 years old from the Philipppines. I came here with my husband and sons, who are also studying here. 2) Where is your working place back in your country and what is your specialty? I am a board certified Dermatologist in the Philippines. I am affiliated with St. Luke's Medical Center, Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines and the Skin and Cancer Foundation, Inc. 3) How did you get to know Severance? Why did you choose Severance as your training hospital? I came to Severance to have a subspecialty in Dermatologic Surgery and Mohs Micrographic Surgery. It has always been my passion to perform Dermatologic Surgery, and Severance Hospital has one of the best training programs for this specialty. In the Philippines, there are only a few Dermatologic Surgeons, I will be able to serve more people after my training here. Yonsei Severance is known for having the brightest Professors and Physicians, the most advanced technology in healthcare, and has paved the way for the globalization of medicine. 4) How long is your training period in Korea? My training period is from March 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. 5) Which area did you focus on during your fellowship at Severance? I trained intensively to be a Dermatologic Surgeon under Professor Kee Yang Chung for the first 6 months and Professor Byung Ho Oh for the latter part of my stay in Severance. 6) What is the most impressive feature of Severance Hospital? I have been in Severance for 10 months now, and I am still impressed with the quality of healthcare that is being delivered to each patient. I am amazed at the team effort that goes into each case and how each member is always prepared to carry out their task in the fastest and most efficient way possible. 7) What are the specific contents of your fellowship program at Severance? I am training to be a Dermatologic Surgeon and Mohs Micrographic (Skin Cancer) Surgeon 8) If you were to get the chance to come back, which field of clinical study would you like to focus on? Yes, I would still choose to study Dermatologic Surgery because it is a specialty that requires hands on training under the guidance of seasoned surgeons. Every new patient is a chance to learn new skills, techniques, and knowledge. Every day is a learning opportunity, and I always feel grateful that I was able to undergo hands on training with a medical license from the government of South Korea in such a prestigious Hospital. 9) Who are you most thankful for at Severance(who helped you the most) & why? I am most grateful to my Professors, Professor Kee Yang Chung and Professor Byung Ho Oh who have been very patient and meticulous about my training. They made sure that I would learn enough skills and knowledge to be able to perform well when I go back to my home country. They have not only taught me about surgical skills and research, they have also helped me and my family adjust to the life here in Seoul. I am also grateful to our Wound Care Nurse Ms Kyoung Ae Nam and Professor Jin Woong Jung who have also contributed so much to my training at the Dermatologic Surgery Department. 10) What was your first impression of Korea? My first impression of Korea is that everything was fast paced and done perfectly. It is one of the attitudes that I have come to adapt, and I believe it has increased my productivity and efficiency. I am very impressed with the exceptional results that come out off teamwork and being goal oriented, these are the values that I will bring with me when I return home. 11)What is the best memory so far during your stay here? The best experience during my stay is completing surgeries using the skills and knowledge that my Professors have passed on to me. When I first came here, I knew I had so much to learn, and I wanted to make sure that I would make the most out of my training period. My stay here in Seoul has also allowed me to learn many things about Korean culture, and one of the things I will bring home with me is the exceptional work ethic that they have. I have no regrets doing the Severance International Fellowship, I believe it is one of the best decisions I made in my life career-wise, and I would gladly do it again without any second thoughts. I have made new friends that I will surely keep even when I return home to the Philippines, and I am now equipped with knowledge that I could never have acquired if I didn't move out of my comfort zone.
- 작성자제중원보건개발원
- 작성일2025-02-03
- 33
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- 작성자제중원보건개발원
- 작성일2025-01-07
- 126
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의료원, 베트남 우즈벡 미래 의료인 키운다 국제의학교육개발사업단, 역량강화 사업 장기 프로젝트 순항 제중원보건개발원 산하 국제의학교육개발사업단이 베트남과 우즈베키스탄의 미래 의료인 양성을 위해 팔을 걷었다. 국제의학교육개발사업단(gMED)은 한국국제협력단(KOICA)이 발주한 신남방‧신북방 고등교육 혁신사업의 사업책임자로 현재 베트남 호치민의약학대학 교육연구 역량강화 사업 MEF와 우즈베키스탄 타슈켄트 소아의과대학교 교육연구 역량강화 사업 MNEF를 수행하고 있다. 국제의학교육개발사업단은 베트남에서는 2021년, 우즈베키스탄에서는 2022년 각각 111억원과 56억원의 지원비로 사업을 시작해 현재는 프로젝트 중간 단계에 이르렀다. 두 프로젝트는 최대 5년간 현지 학교의 의과대학생뿐만 아니라 전공의, 세부전문의도 교육대상으로 삼는다. 베트남 MEF 사업은 의학교육, 임상수련, 연구역량, 산학협력 총 4가지 분과로 나눠 진행 중이다. 의학교육 미디어 스튜디오를 준공해 온라인 교육자료를 개발하며 자기주도적 교육 환경 개선에 힘썼다. 또 졸업시험 문항 900개와 교육과정을 마친 40명의 교수 양성을 목표로 졸업시험 문항과 교육자료 개발에도 힘을 모았다. 베트남 전공의와 세부 전문의 트레이닝을 위한 ‘Twinning program’도 실시했다. 대상 전공은 내과학, 외과학, 산부인과학, 소아과학, 감염내과학 등 11개 과다. 교수 등 연구원 초청연수를 실시하고 의과대학 학술지 멘토링도 이어져 연구와 논문작성에 대한 이해도를 높였다. 디지털의료, AI 등 의학과 산업이 시너지를 낼 수 있는 공동연구 참여도 독려했다. 우즈베키스탄 간호교육 우즈베키스탄 MNEF 사업은 의학교육, 간호교육, 연구역량, 산학협력분과로 구성됐다. 간호교육 공동연구 온라인 워크숍을 통해 문제중심학습, 팀기반학습 등 교수학습법과 실습지도자 매뉴얼 개발에 대한 지식 교류와 네트워킹을 강화했다. 산학협력워크숍을 통해서는 산학협력 가능성이 있는 연구팀을 선발해 각 팀의 발표를 듣고 심사 평가를 거쳐 연구 결과에 대한 사업화 과정을 도왔다. 안신기 국제의학교육개발사업단장은 “의료원이 가진 의학, 간호학 교육 및 연구역량과 사업화 경험을 통해 베트남과 우즈베키스탄 미래 의료진 양성을 도와 세계 보건 수준 향상에 지속적으로 기여할 것”이라고 말했다. Global Medical Education Development Working Group, Long-term Projects Progressing The Global Medical Education Development Working Group(gMed), under the Yonsei Institute for Global Health, has embarked on a mission to cultivate future medical professionals in Vietnam and Uzbekistan. Acting as the project lead for the New Southern and New Northern Policy higher education innovation initiatives commissioned by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), gMed is currently advancing Medical Educatiuon for the Future Project (MEF) in Vietnam and Medical & Nursing Education for the Future Project (MNEF) in Uzbekistan. Launched in 2021 with a budget of 9.68 million USD in Vietnam and in 2022 with 5 million USD in Uzbekistan, these initiatives have reached their mid-point. The projects aim to train not only medical students but also residents and subspecialists over a span of up to five years. The MEF project in Vietnam is divided into four key areas: medical education, clinical training, research capacity, and industry-academia collaboration. The project has seen the establishment of a medical education media studio to develop online educational materials, fostering a self-directed learning environment. Efforts have also focused on developing 900 graduation exam questions and training 40 professors in curriculum development. The program has introduced a "Twinning Program" for residents and subspecialists in 11 fields, including internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and infectious diseases. Additionally, researchers and faculty were invited for training, and mentoring for medical journal publication was provided to enhance understanding of research and academic writing. Collaborative research in digital medicine, AI, and other interdisciplinary areas has been actively encouraged. The MNEF project in Uzbekistan comprises medical education, nursing education, research capacity, and industry-academia collaboration. Online workshops have been held on nursing education, covering topics such as problem-based learning and team-based learning, along with developing manuals for clinical practice guidance. Industry-academia collaboration workshops identified promising research teams and supported the commercialization of their findings through evaluation and guidance. Prof. Shin-Ki An, head of the Global medical Education Development Working Group, stated, "By leveraging our medical and nursing education expertise, research capabilities, and commercialization experience, we aim to contribute to improving global healthcare standards by supporting the development of future medical professionals in Vietnam and Uzbekistan."
- 작성자제중원보건개발원
- 작성일2025-01-02
- 103
- 동영상동영상
제4회 에비슨 글로벌 리더십 어워드(AvisonGlobal Leadership Award) 수상 사진 나이지리아에는 약 700명의 안과의사가 있다. 얼핏 적지 않아 보이지만, 약 2억명에 달하는 인구를 고려하면 이 숫자는 턱없이 부족하다. 참고로 한국은 5000만 인구에 약 3000명의 안과의사가 있다. 이다코는 나이지리아 북부 카노(Kano) 지역에 위치한 ECWA 선교병원에서 근무하고 있다. 카노는 인구 약 1400만명의 지역으로, 주민 대부분이 무슬림이며 극심한 가난, 높은 범죄율, 그리고 많은 안과 질환 환자들이 있는 지역이다. 최근에는 테러로 인한 사상자도 많이 발생했고, 함께 근무하던 동료 안과의사도 더 안전한 지역으로 이직했다. 이다코는 병원진료 뿐만 아니라 이동진료를 통해 무료 개안 수술도 진행하고 있다. 이동 진료는 고가의 의료장비를 싣고 다녀야 하기 때문에 테러와 강도에 노출될 위험이 크다. 2003년에 의과대학을 졸업한 이다코는 2016년에 안과 전문의 자격을 취득했다. 나이지리아에서 안과 전문의는 매우 귀한 존재로, 좋은 시설과 높은 보수를 제공하는 사립병원에 쉽게 취직할 수 있다. 실제로 그의 지도교수도 이다코가 수도에 있는 병원에서 일하기를 권유했지만, 그는 이를 단호히 거절하고 열악한 환경의 ECWA 선교병원에 남았다. 그 이유를 그는 이렇게 설명한다. “하나님은 저를 사용하셔서 보지못하는 사람들의 눈을 뜨게 하는 부르심을 주셨습니다. 이는 무슬림들 가운데서 그리스도의 사랑을 전하는 기쁨 그 자체입니다.” 이다코에게 열악한 환경에서 가장필요한 덕목이 무엇인지 물었다. 그는 “포기하지 않는 인내”라고 답한다.“2022년과 2023년에 세브란스 안과병원에서 두 차례 연수교육을 받았습니다. 그때 들은 에비슨 박사님의 이야기는 저에게 큰 감동을 주었습니다. 특히,그분이 갈라디아서 6장 9절 말씀을 가장 좋아했다는 사실을 알고 매우 놀랐습니다. 에비슨 박사님이 열악한 환경속에서도 포기하지 않고 40년 이상 사역을 지속할 수 있었던 것은 이 말씀이 가르쳐주는 인내심 덕분이었을 것입니다.” 이다코는 열악한 환경 속에서도 묵묵히 소명을 실천하며, 에비슨의 정신을 행동으로 보여주고 있다. 그의 사역은 단순한 의료 활동을 넘어, 환자들에게 희망과 사랑을 전하는 귀감이 되고있다. 이러한 그의 헌신은 많은 사람들에게 깊은 감동을 주고 있고, 그는 2024년 제4회 에비슨 글로벌 리더십 어워드의 주인공으로 선정됐다. “우리가 선을 행하되 낙심하지 말지니, 피곤하지 아니하면 때가 이르매 거두리라.” (갈라디아서 6:9) Patience Learned at Severance On November 20, Dr. Ugbede Idakwo, an ophthalmologist from Nigeria, was honored with the 2024 Avison Global Leadership Award at the conclusion of the 2024 Medical Mission Month. The award, which recognizes individuals who have connected with Severance through its mission programs and have demonstrated selfless dedication to healthcare in underserved communities, was presented to Dr. Idakwo for his exceptional contributions to medical missions in Nigeria. Dr. Idakwo works at the ECWA Mission Hospital in Kano, located in northern Nigeria. Kano, home to over 14 million people, faces significant challenges, including poverty, high crime rates, and a high prevalence of eye diseases. In addition to his work at the hospital, Dr. Idakwo runs mobile cataract surgery clinics, often transporting expensive medical equipment through areas threatened by terrorism and armed robbery. Despite these challenges, he has remained committed to serving his community, treating hundreds of cataract patients and providing free surgeries in some of the most impoverished regions of Nigeria. The situation in Nigeria, with roughly 700 ophthalmologists for a population of nearly 200 million, underscores the severity of the issue. For comparison, South Korea, with a population of 50 million, has approximately 3,000 ophthalmologists. The scarcity of specialists has driven Dr. Idakwo to work under difficult conditions, but his unwavering dedication stems from his faith. In a recent interview, he explained, “God has called me to help open the eyes of those who cannot see. It is my joy to share Christ’s love among Muslims.” He shared that his resolve to remain in the challenging environment of the ECWA Mission Hospital, rather than pursue a more lucrative position in a private hospital, is rooted in his sense of divine calling. When asked about the virtues necessary to sustain his work, Dr. Idakwo highlighted "unyielding perseverance". He reflected on his time at Severance Ophthalmology Hospital, where he participated in training sessions in 2022 and 2023. There, he learned about Dr. Avison, a figure whose dedication inspired him deeply. “Dr. Avison’s ability to sustain his ministry for over 40 years in difficult circumstances was undoubtedly due to the perseverance taught in Galatians 6:9,” he said, referring to Dr. Avison’s favorite Bible verse. Dr. Idakwo continues to serve with the same quiet dedication that defines his ministry. His ability to treat patients, offer hope, and embody the spirit of perseverance has made him a fitting recipient of the 2024 Avison Global Leadership Award. As the award citation notes, Dr. Idakwo’s life exemplifies the message from Galatians 6:9: “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
- 작성자제중원보건개발원
- 작성일2024-12-23
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제10회 세브란스 통일의 밤 개최 제중원보건개발원 통일보건의료센터(소장 김소윤)는 지난 11월 25일(월), ‘Insight: into NK, 통일 문학의 밤’을 주제로 제10회 세브란스 통일의 밤 행사를 성황리에 마무리했다. 이번 행사는 남북 보건의료 협력과 이해 제고를 위한 장으로 마련되었으며, 다큐멘터리 상영, 토크콘서트, 에세이 공모전 시상식, 북한말 퀴즈 등 다채로운 프로그램을 통해 한반도 미래 의료 협력에 대한 다양한 관점을 나누는 기회를 가졌다. 김소윤 소장님 개회사 전우택 교수님 기조연설 행사는 김소윤 소장의 개회사로 문을 열었다. 이어 전우택 교수의 기조연설이 진행되었는데, 전 교수는 북한 의료체계의 이해와 통합적 협력 방안에 대해 심도 있는 견해를 제시하며 청중들의 주목을 받았다. 이어 상영된 다큐멘터리 ‘Insight: into NK’ 편집본은 북한 주민들의 일상적 모습에 초점을 맞추며, 그 속에서 자연스럽게 드러나는 사회·문화적 단면을 참가자들에게 전달했다. 행사의 주요 하이라이트인 다큐멘터리 ‘Insight: into NK’ 편집본 상영 후, 이를 제작한 리커넥트 팀(송민, 인아, 수지)과의 토크콘서트가 진행되어 제작 의도와 의미를 직접 듣는 자리가 마련됐다. 청중들은 북한 주민들의 일상 속 장면을 바탕으로 남북 간 문화적 차이와 공통점을 비교하고 이해하는 뜻 깊은 시간을 가졌다. 다큐멘터리 시청 북한말 퀴즈 진행 이날 행사에서는 또한 1개월간 진행된 에세이 공모전의 시상식이 진행되어, 선정된 수상자들이 직접 자신의 작품을 낭독하며 통일보건의료 분야에 대한 참신한 시각과 통찰을 전했다. 이와 함께 북한말 퀴즈 프로그램도 마련되어, 북한 방언 및 북한 의료용어 등 다양한 주제의 문제들이 출제되어 청중들의 적극적인 참여를 이끌어냈다. 김소윤 소장은 “10회를 맞은 세브란스 통일의 밤은 북한과 통일 보건의료에 대한 관심을 환기하고, 다양한 관점과 경험을 공유하는 의미 있는 장으로 자리매김했다”며, “앞으로도 다채로운 프로그램을 통해 통일보건의료 분야의 발전 가능성을 모색하고 협력의 길을 함께 열어나가겠다”고 밝혔다. 제10회를 맞이한 세브란스 통일의 밤은 앞으로도 지속적으로 통일보건의료 분야에 대한 관심을 확산하고, 다양한 주체 간 교류를 통해 상호 이해와 협력의 장을 넓혀나갈 계획이다. On November 25, the Yonsei Institute for Global Health for Unification (led by Director So Yoon Kim) successfully hosted the 10th Severance Unification Night, themed “Insight: Into NK, A Night of Unification Literature.” The event aimed to promote inter-Korean cooperation in healthcare and featured a range of activities, including documentary screenings, a talk concert, an essay contest awards ceremony, and a North Korean dialect quiz. These events provided a unique opportunity to discuss the future of healthcare collaboration on the Korean Peninsula. The evening kicked off with an opening address by Director So Yoon Kim, followed by a keynote lecture from Professor Woo-Taek Jeon. Professor Jeon offered a detailed analysis of North Korea’s healthcare system and proposed strategies for collaboration between the two Koreas in the healthcare field. The highlight of the evening was the screening of a specially edited version of the documentary “Insight: Into NK,” which explored the daily lives of North Korean residents. Through the film, participants gained a deeper understanding of life in North Korea, offering a socio-cultural perspective on the experiences of its people. Following the screening, a talk concert took place with the creators of the documentary, the Reconnect Team (SongMin, InAh, and SuZy). During this session, the filmmakers shared their vision for the documentary and its underlying significance. The audience had the chance to engage in thought-provoking discussions, reflecting on the cultural similarities and differences between North and South Korea, based on the footage from North Korean lives. The event also included an essay contest awards ceremony, where winners presented their essays on healthcare and medical collaboration in a unified Korea. Their submissions provided new insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. A North Korean dialect quiz added an interactive element to the evening, allowing attendees to test their knowledge of North Korean idioms, proverbs, and food culture. Director So Yoon Kim remarked, “As we celebrate the 10th year of Severance Unification Night, it continues to serve as an important platform for raising awareness and fostering dialogue on healthcare issues related to North Korea and unification. We remain committed to exploring opportunities for growth and collaboration in unification healthcare.” The 10th Severance Unification Night reflects ongoing efforts to expand interest in unification healthcare, promoting understanding and collaboration through continuous exchanges among key stakeholders.
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- 작성일2024-12-23
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2024 의료선교의 달 개막 "기도의 씨앗, 회복의 열매" 2024년 의료선교의 달이 10월 30일 용인세브란스병원 수요 교직원 채플을 시작으로 막을 열었다. 의료원은 ‘기도의 씨앗, 회복의 열매’를 주제로 하늘에 심는 믿음, 땅에서 맺는 치유를 표방하며 이달 28일 까지 약 한달 동안 신촌, 강남, 용인 지역에서 기도회, 예배 등을 통해 의료 선교의 의미를 되새긴다. 의료선교센터는 4일 세브란스병원 6층 예배실에서 선교기도회를 개최했다. 작년 미션톡(MissionTalk) 발표자인 가정전문간호사실 이은향 간호사가 ‘그리스도의 흔적을 남기는 삶’에 대해 말씀을 전했다. 아프가니스탄과 케냐에 복음을 전하기 위해 떠난 선교사들이 현지에서 겪은 이야기를 직접 듣는 ‘선교사와 함께하는 교직원 채플’ 시간도 6일과 13일, 20일에 각각 마련했다. 20일에 채플 강연자로 나서는 나이지리아 안과 전문의 우그베데 이다코(Ugbede Idakwo)가 2024 에비슨 글로벌 리더십 어워드(Avison Global Leadership Award)를 수상했다. 이다코는 의료원에서 연수를 받은 후 자국에서 의사로 활동하며 의료선교사로서 사명을 감당하고 있다. 이다코는 상금과 향후 3년간의 연구 활동 지원비를 지원받는다. 11일에는 은명대강당에서 만나교회 김병삼 목사가 신명기 8장 2~6절 말씀으로 ‘서두름 vs 기다림’이라는 제목의 설교를, 13일에는 강남세브란스병원 대강당에서 박형우 연세대 명예 교수가 신앙 강좌를 연다. 의료원 외부에서도 의료선교의 달 행사를 진행한다. 16일에는 전주 예수병원으로 자리를 옮겨 의료원과 이화의료원, 고신대학교 복음병원 등 8개 기독 병원이 함께 미션톡 (Mission-Talk)을 진행한다. 각 병원은 기관별로 최대 2명의 발표자를 선정해 우리 삶 가운데에서 경험한 의료선교 이야기를 나눈다. 의료원에서는 어린이병원 외래파트 장기쁨 간호사가 대표로 삶속에서 받은 은혜를 나눌 예정이다. 같은 날 용인세브란스병원 교직원들은 마포구 합정동에 있는 양화진외국인선교사묘원을 찾아 하나님의 부름에 따라 세브란스를 섬겨준 의료선 교사를 참배하고 선교 정신을 고양하는 시간을 가진다. 간호국에서도 25일 신앙부흥집회 를 진행한다. ‘은혜’, ‘행복’ 등 많은 사랑을 받는 찬양곡을 작사‧작곡한 손경민 목사가 찬양을 통해 만난 하나님 이야기를 들려줄 예정이다. 이외에도 26일 세브란스병원 3층 로비에서 교수성가단 찬양 발표회, 28일에는 간호대학 선교아카데미를 통해 의료선교라는 세브란스의 미션을 다시 생각하며 열매맺는 풍성한 11월이 될 전망이다. The 2024 Month of Medical Missions officially launched on October 30 at the Yongin Severance Hospital's Wednesday staff chapel. The initiative, organized by the Medical Mission Center, is themed "Seeds of Prayer, Fruits of Healing," emphasizing the power of faith in healing. Running until November 28, the event includes prayer meetings, worship services, and activities across Sinchon, Gangnam, and Yongin, providing participants with an opportunity to reflect on the vital role of medical missions. On November 4, a missionary prayer meeting was held at the 6th floor chapel of Severance Hospital, where Nurse Practitioner Eun Hyang Lee shared a powerful message titled "A Life Bearing the Marks of Christ." In addition, the "Staff Chapel with Missionaries" sessions on November 6, 13, and 20 allowed hospital staff to hear firsthand accounts from missionaries working in Afghanistan and Kenya. One of the major highlights came on November 20, when Dr. Ugbede Idakwo, a Nigerian ophthalmologist, was invited to deliver the keynote address at the chapel service. Having completed training at the Yonsei University Health System, Dr. Idakwo now works as both a physician and medical missionary in Nigeria. He was also honored with the 2024 Avison Global Leadership Award, which includes a cash prize and funding for his research over the next three years in recognition of his contributions to global health and medical missions. Throughout the month, various other activities have been held, including a sermon by Rev. Byung-sam Kim from Manna Church, titled "Haste vs. Patience" on November 11. Honorary Professor Hyung Woo Park of Yonsei University hosted a faith seminar at Gangnam Severance Hospital on November 13, further enriching the spiritual experience of the staff. The Month of Medical Missions extends beyond Yonsei Health System. On November 16, MissionTalk moved to Jeonju Jesus Hospital, where eight Christian hospitals, including Ewha Medical Center and Kosin University Gospel Hospital, came together for a series of personal testimonies on medical missions. Severance Hospital was represented by Nurse Ki-ppeum Jang from the Children’s Hospital outpatient department, who shared her own testimony of grace. Later that day, Yongin Severance Hospital staff visited the Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery in Mapo-gu, paying tribute to the missionaries who answered God’s call to serve at Severance Hospital. The Division of Nursing will hold a revival gathering on November 25, featuring Pastor Kyung-min Son, a renowned composer of worship songs such as "Grace" and "Happiness." He will share his personal encounters with God through music. The month will conclude with a praise concert by the Faculty Choir on November 26 at the Severance Hospital 3rd floor lobby, followed by the Nursing College’s Mission Academy on November 28. These events underscore Severance Hospital's long-standing commitment to medical missions and provide an opportunity to reflect on the blessings and impact of global healthcare service.
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In celebration of World Sight Day, the Center for Global Development at the Yonsei Institute for Global Health officially launched a new project on October 8 at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The initiative, titled "Improving Motorcycle Driver’s License Vision Screening Policy for Road Safety Enhancement in Vietnam," is a collaborative effort with the Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-koo Foundation. It aims to reduce traffic accidents and enhance road safety by conducting vision screenings for motorcycle drivers in their 20s. The launch ceremony saw approximately 50 attendees, including officials from Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport, the Traffic Safety Committee, and representatives from five partner universities: the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, the College of Foreign Economic Relations, and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education. Local media and representatives from the AIP Foundation (Asian Injury Prevention Foundation) were also present. Attendees emphasized the importance of vision management, recognizing that it plays a critical role not only in the personal safety of drivers but also in the overall traffic safety of the community. As part of the program, participants also learned about the significance of vision screening through the "WHOeyes" application developed by the World Health Organization. Since September of this year, the Center for Global Development has been conducting vision tests and basic eye exams for students at the five partner universities in Ho Chi Minh City, assessing the prevalence of myopia among university students. Glasses are being provided to students in need of vision correction. The project will further analyze the impact of vision correction on reducing motorcycle traffic accidents and is working towards the development of a policy to require vision screenings when obtaining a motorcycle driver’s license. Additionally, the project is promoting the importance of vision screenings through social media, targeting university students and their parents.
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- 작성일2024-12-19
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DMZ 안보투어 단체견학 제중원보건개발원 통일보건의료센터가 9월 28일 의대, 치대, 간호대, 보건대학원 학생들과 의료원 교직원 총 80명을 대상으로 DMZ 안보 투어 단체견학을 진행했다. 이번 행사는 한반도의 평화와 통일이 보건의료 분야에 미칠 영향을 이해하고, 통일 이후 보건의료 체계를 대비하는 차원에서 열렸다. 참석자들은 경기도 연천의 DMZ 통일전망대에서 분단 현실을 직접 확인 하며 평화의 중요성을 체감했다. 이어 방문한 한반도통일미래센터에서는 통일이 가져올 다양한 변화와 사회적 과제를 배우며, 통일이 미칠 많은 분야의 변화에 대해 깊이 생각해 보는 시간을 가졌다. 또 파주의 유엔군 화장장 시설과 호로고루 고구려 성, 북한군 묘지를 방문해 분단과 전쟁이 남긴 상처를 직접 느꼈다. On September 28, the Center for Health and Unification of Korea at the Yonsei Institute for Global Health organized a group tour of key DMZ security sites for 80 participants, including students from Yonsei’s College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Nursing, and Graduate School of Public Health, alongside staff from the Yonsei University Health System. The event aimed to deepen participants' understanding of how peace and reunification could affect the healthcare sector and lay the groundwork for the development of a unified healthcare system on the Korean Peninsula. The tour began with a visit to the DMZ Unification Observatory in Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do Province, where participants gained firsthand insight into the realities of Korea's division and developed a greater appreciation for the significance of peace. At the Korean Peninsula Unification Future Center, they explored the potential societal changes and challenges that reunification could bring, reflecting on the wide-ranging transformations it might entail. The tour also included visits to several poignant historical sites, including the United Nations Forces Cremation Memorial in Paju, the Horogoru Fortress of Goguryeo, and a North Korean soldiers’ cemetery. These stops offered attendees a vivid understanding of the lasting scars left by division and war, underscoring the complex legacy of the Korean conflict.
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- 작성일2024-12-19
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외국인 연수의사 사전교육 프로그램 수료식 제중원보건개발원이 9월 27일 교수회의실에서 외국인 연수의사 대상 사전교육 프로그램(Severance International FellowshipPrime Course, SIF-PC) 수료식을 진행했다. 2020년 3월 처음 시작한 SIF-PC 는 국내에서 연수 예정인 외국인 의사를 대상으로 한국의 문화, 보건의료체계, 의료원 소개, 임상연구 및 통계 관련 전문 지식을 공유하는 프로그램이다. 프로그램을 수료한 외국인 의사는 임상연수를 2개월간 수행하면 보건복지부에 ‘제한적 의료행위 승인신청’을 할 수 있다. 일반적으로 국내에서 연수하는 외국인 의사는 한국 의사면허를 소지하지 않기 때문에 참관연수만 진행할 수 있다. SIF-PC는 민간 의료기관이 직접 사전교육 프로그램을 개발해 시행하는 국내 최초 및 유일의 외국인 의사 대상 사전교육 프로그램이다. SIFPC를 시행하기 전까지 사전교육프로그램은 한국 보건복지부와 협약을 맺은 중동 국가 출신 의사들에게만 국가 차원에서 제공됐다. 의료원의 SIF-PC 시행에 따라 향후 다양한 국 적의 해외 의사들에게도 ‘제한적 의료행위’를 신청할 수 있는 기회가 주어지게 됐다. 이번 SIF-PC에는 총 4명의 외국 인 의사가 참여했으며, 타 의료기관 (서울아산병원)에서 연수 예정인 태국 의사가 포함돼있다. 염준섭 국제개발센터 소장은 “SIF-PC를 한국의 대표적인 외국인 의사 대상 사전교육 프로그램으로 발전시키겠다”고 말했다. The Yonsei Institute for Global Health hosted a completion ceremony for the Severance International Fellowship Prime Course (SIF-PC) on September 27 at the Faculty Conference Room. This pre-training program is designed to equip international medical trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary for clinical training in South Korea. Launched in March 2020, the SIF-PC aims to provide foreign doctors with essential insights into Korean culture, the healthcare system, clinical research, and statistics. Upon completion, participants are eligible to undergo a two-month clinical training period and apply for approval for "limited medical practice" from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Typically, foreign doctors in Korea are only allowed to engage in observational training due to the absence of a Korean medical license. The SIF-PC is the first and only pre-training program for foreign doctors in Korea developed and directly implemented by a private medical institution. Prior to its launch, such programs were offered only at the national level for doctors from Middle Eastern countries, under agreements with the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare. With the introduction of the SIF-PC, international doctors from diverse regions now have the opportunity to apply for "limited medical practice" in Korea. This year’s cohort included four international doctors, among them a Thai doctor scheduled to train at Seoul Asan Medical Center. Joon Sup Yeom, Director of the Center for Global Development, emphasized the program’s growing significance, stating, "We aim to establish the SIF-PC as Korea’s leading pre-training program for foreign doctors."
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The Global Medical Education Development Working Group hosted a farewell ceremony for the 2024 Medical Education for the Future (MEF) Fellowship Program on October 23 at Allen Hall, Yonsei University. The ceremony was attended by over 30 participants, including Shin-ki An, Director of the Global Medical Education Development Working Group, supervising professors, and MEF fellows. The Yonsei Institute for Global Health, in collaboration with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), has been promoting an international cooperation initiative aimed at strengthening the capacity of medical professionals at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. As part of the 2024 MEF Fellowship Program, 15 fellows—including six faculty-level participants and nine master’s and doctoral-level participants—conducted joint research with medical faculty supervisors over a six-month period. In addition to their research, the fellows engaged in various activities, including publishing papers, presenting at academic conferences, observing clinical practices, and experiencing Korean culture. These experiences significantly contributed to enhancing their research capabilities. Jae-young Choi, Dean of Yonsei University College of Medicine, and Yong-beom Park, Director of the Yonsei Institute for Global Health, delivered congratulatory video messages to the fellowship participants and Vietnamese fellows. Shin-ki An, Director of the Global Medical Education Development Working Group, and In-hong Choi, Distinguished Professor, highlighted the achievements of the fellowship program. Min-geol Lee, Distinguished Professor at the MEF field office, also delivered words of encouragement via video. During the ceremony, three Vietnamese fellows shared their reflections on the program and presented the outcomes of their collaborative research conducted in Korea. After completing the six-month fellowship, the fellows will return to Vietnam to apply their knowledge and skills, contributing to the advancement of research capacity and medical development at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. Director Shin-ki An encouraged the fellows to "broaden the depth and scope of your research and maintain a lasting relationship with your supervisors" as they continue their professional journeys. The 2024 MEF Fellowship Program serves as a vital platform for fostering international medical collaboration and empowering future leaders in global healthcare.
- 작성자제중원보건개발원
- 작성일2024-12-19
- 79
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- 작성자[Medical Mission Center]
- 작성일2024-08-22
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- 동영상동영상
Building Stronger Foundations in Medical Education, Research, and Nursing Training The Yonsei Institute for Global Health is driving initiatives to strengthen medical and nursing education and research capabilities at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in Uzbekistan. Spearheaded by the Global Medical Education Development Working Group, this project, launched in 2022, is part of a $5 million education and research capacity-building initiative funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Advancing Medical Education Through Curriculum Reform On December 5, a Medical Education Curriculum Reform Workshop took place at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, drawing 50 participants, including Prof. Shin-Ki An, head of the Global Medical Education Development Working Group, and Dr. Beom-Jin Lim, a pathology professor. The workshop focused on creating practical lesson plans and enhancing teaching and assessment methods. Participants engaged in hands-on exercises, drafting lesson plans aligned with modern educational principles. Building on this foundation, the institute plans to roll out student-centered course modules and self-directed learning materials by 2027. One participant expressed optimism, saying, “I hope to implement the absolute grading system used at Yonsei University College of Medicine to boost student performance.” Empowering Research Capabilities with a Dedicated Support Office In April, the institute launched its Research Support Office with a workshop attended by the institute's leadership, faculty, students, and representatives from the KOICA Uzbekistan Office. Keynote lectures by Prof. In-Hong Choi, Dr. Yoon-Ho Noh, and Research Administrative Manager Sang-Heon Cha provided insights on establishing an efficient and professional research infrastructure. Dr. Daminov Botir Turgunpulatovich, President of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, shared his vision: “This initiative marks a significant step forward for our research capabilities. We’re eager to continue collaborating with KOICA and Yonsei University.” Strengthening Nursing Education and Training From November 20 to 22, the International Nursing Education Center at Yonsei University College of Nursing hosted capacity-building workshops for nursing faculty and clinical nursing leaders in Uzbekistan. With 27 participants from five clinical practicum institutions, the sessions were led by Prof. Sang-Hee Kim, Nurse Team Leader Jung-Yeon Kim from Severance Children’s Hospital, and Administrative Nursing Education Team Leader Tae-Hee Kim from Yongin Severance Hospital. Day 1: Explored clinical practicum models and industry-academia collaboration strategies. Day 2: Covered practical clinical teaching methods, including the roles of preceptors. Day 3: Focused on enhancing faculty research skills and curriculum development. As Uzbekistan transitions to a four-year bachelor’s degree program in nursing under a presidential decree, these workshops aim to improve clinical practicum quality and strengthen educators' competencies. A Collaborative Path Forward The Yonsei Institute for Global Health remains committed to supporting Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute through 2027 with advanced workshops and continuous collaboration. These efforts are set to make a lasting impact on medical and nursing education, fostering a more resilient and capable healthcare workforce in Uzbekistan.
- 작성자제중원보건개발원
- 작성일2024-07-24
- 462
- 동영상동영상