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[Severance Academy] Interview with Dr. Almurayshid (Jan 2020)

  • Views 829
  • Writer Severance Academy
  • Date 20.12.01
almurayshid interview

1) Please introduce yourself.

My name is Dr. Almurayshid Abdurrahman. I am 32 years old from Saudi Arabia. I came to Korea with my beloved wife Nawal and 3 kids : Thabet, Ghaleb,and Suleman.

2) Where is your working place back in your country and what is your specialty?

I'm an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj City,  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

3) How did you get to know Severance? Why did you choose Severance as your training hospital?

I was interested in the top training centers in the field of Dermatology and the Department of Dermatology at Severance Hospital is regarded as the largest dermatology training center in Korea. 

Furthermore, I was interested to work with Professor Oh Sang ho, who is an expert in Vitiligo and laser surgery, and also Professor Chung Kee Yang, who is a a leader Dermatologist in Surgical Dermatology and skin cancer. 

Severance Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Korea and Yonsei University is a top university in the international society.

4) How long do you stay in Korea?

My training program will be for up to 2 years. I'm currently in the end of the first year of my training.

5) Which area did you focus on during your fellowship at Severance?

During my first year, I have focused on Laser Dermatology and cosmetic surgery. 

In addition, I focused on training in surgical treatments of Vitiligo, including skin grafting.
6) What was most impressive at Severance Hospital?

The efficiency of the work and productivity of staffs despite the huge volume of patients is amazing. I'm lucky to train in a professional environment that places the priority to patient care. 

In addition, the quality of healthcare is very impressive. Surely that is one of the reasons why we see a great number of international patients seeking healthcare at Severance Hospital.  

7) What are the specific contents of your fellowship at Severance?

The hands-on clinical license for international fellows from Saudi Arabia has honored us the responsibility to be active learners and contributors to healthcare. Personally, I had a variety of clinical training. I worked in Laser clinics, Scar treatment clinics and Procedures clinics. 

Furthermore, I had time in the outpatient clinics for treatment follow-ups. I'm grateful for my supervisors and colleagues at the Department of Dermatology to give me the chance to participate in clinical research.

8) What value or features of Severance would you bring back or introduce to your own working place? 

I plan to start my specialty clinic and bring the experience I gained from my training at Severance Hospital back to my hospital at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz university. Working at Severance hospital introduced me to a great system of health care. I plan to adopt some of the efficient protocols of patient care, the practical treatments and after care procedures. 

I hope to keep my connections with the professors and find ways of collaborations that can benefit both Yonesi University and my university in Saudi Arabia.

9) If you could come back to Severance, which area would you like to study more?

Im planning to stay for another year. My goal is to learn new skills in Dermatological surgery. Another goal is to improve my research skills under the guidanceof my supervisors.

10) Who are you most thankful to at Severance and why?

To start, I'm very grateful for my supervisors; Professor Oh Sang ho and Professor Chung Kee Yang for their kind support and supervision. I would like to thank Dr. Ji hee Kim for her supervision in scar clinics. All of my supervisors gave me the opportunity and support. They helped me in my training and research, and even guided me with advises for living in Korea. I am very thankful for all the staffs in the Department of Dermatology. 

Finally yet importantly, I thank Ms. SooBin Park for her great efforts and help during my training. She is responsible for all the international fellows at YUHS, and she did a great job especially for me.

11) What was your first impression of Korea?

Korea is a proud and self-efficient nation. Also, Korean people are generous and kind. I'm happy to come and study in Korea.

12) What was the best memory during your stay in Korea?

The big event for my family was the birth of my son Suleman in Seoul, August 2019.  

I was happy to be part of 2 publications in top Dermatology journals, all thanks to my supervisor and colleagues. 

The staffs in the Department of Dermatology were very kind and supportive. I spent many enjoyable moments with the department during my stay in Korea, which made me happy. We had many scientific events and dinners together. I will always remember the kindness and generosity of my professors.

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