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[International Office] Interview with Dr. Ugbede Idakwo

  • Views 176
  • Writer 제중원보건개발원
  • Date 25.01.07

1) Please introduce yourself.

My name is Ugbede Idakwo. I work as a consultant Ophthalmologist with ECWA Eye Hospital located in Kano which is a predominantly Muslim state in the northern part of Nigeria. My role is to treat patients with eye diseases and to train younger ophthalmologists. I am married to my wife Blessing and together we have 3 children Ojochegbe, Enyojo and Eleojo in a Christian family.

2) How did you meet Severance Hospital and what kind of relationship have you had so far?

My connection with severance started about 4 years ago when my friend a Korean missionary doctor working in Nigeria called Adam Jaehyeok Lee linked me up with the Medical Mission Center of Yonsei University Health System. Following the connection, I have been to Severance hospital 3 times and 2 of those times was for training in vitreo-retinal surgeries. The relationship has led the establishment of a retinal unit in my hospital to treat retinal diseases and training of younger doctors in the management of retinal diseases. It is this relationship that led to my Avison Global Leadership award in 2024.

3) What do you mainly do in your home country and what rewards do you feel there?

In Nigeria, I work as an Ophthalmologist looking after people with eye diseases. The most rewarding part of my job is the smile and appreciation I receive after opening the eye of a blind patient that I operated a day before. A lot of people are blind in the 2 eyes without money to access healthcare especially in the villages. These are the ones that gives me greater joy when their sight is restored. This helps them to be economically independent and able to look after their families.

4) What do the local hospitals and patients need most?

At the moment, our hospital is in need of a vitrectomy machine. Though the machine is expensive, it is essential in the treatment of complications following cataract surgery and in patients with retinal complications of diabetes mellitus and other posterior segment diseases of the eye. This is for this area I was trained in Severance hospital.

5) If there is a task you need to do in the future, what is it?

  1. a. Skilled personnel: our doctors and other health workers need training and retraining to meet up with advancing technology and skills to keep our patients satisfied. My plan is to liaise with medical mission center YUHS to help us in this area.

  2. b. Healthcare workers attrition: because of the economic hardship in our country, most healthcare workers are leaving the countries in search of better remuneration in other developed nations. We cannot do much to solve this problem but we can speak to their hearts and let God do the rest.

6) Congratulations on receiving the award, and please tell us your thoughts.

Thanks to Severance One Family and Yonsei University for finding me fit for this prestigious award. My joy knows no bounds as this forms a significant part of my life’s achievements. This award has also exposed me to greater opportunities in life that can help my patients and the society that I live in.

Thank you!

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