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Center for Health & Unification of Korea

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Center for Health and Unification of Korea


Based on the mission of Yonsei University Health System (YUHS)“With the Love of God, Free Humankind from Disease and Suffering. ”the Center for Health and Unification of Korea is dedicated to enhancing the holistic health of North and South Korean residents in preparation for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

To achieve this, the center conducts a wide range of research, educational programs, and social contribution activities, focusing on the following key areas:

Core Objectives

  · Research: Promoting health and medical research to realize a unified Korean health community.

  · Education: Training professionals in the field of Unification Health and Medicine.

  · Social Contribution: Designing sustainable health initiatives for unification and fostering leadership in the field.

Main Activities

1. Academic and Educational Programs

  · Offering Unification Health and Medicine courses at the College of Medicine, College of Nursing, and Graduate School of Public Health.

  · Hosting the “Unification Health and Medicine Seminar” every month.

2. Raising Social Awareness

  · Organizing the “Severance Night for Unification” to emphasize the importance of health care for unification.

  · Conducting Panmunjom and DMZ Security Tours to enhance understanding of the division and unification issues.

3. Research and Policy Development

  · Publishing books and conducting external research projects related to unification health care.

  · Operating the Disaster Medicine Task Force (TF) for interdisciplinary policy research.

Our Vision

The Center for Health and Unification of Korea is committed to advancing research, education, and policy development to establish a comprehensive health care system for disaster response and the post-unification era.

We strive to lay the foundation for integrated health care on the Korean Peninsula and lead the way in creating a healthy medical environment for the future.

▷ 통일보건의료센터 소개 영상 : [클릭]

▷ 통일보건의료센터 인스타그램 : [클릭] 

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Center for Health & Unification of Korea
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제58차 통일보건의료세미나 (2022.10.25.)
제중원보건개발원 23.01.09 조회수수 318
제중원보건개발원 23.01.09 318
제57차 통일보건의료세미나 (2022.09.27.)
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제56차 통일보건의료 특별 세미나 (2022.06.17.)
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제55차 통일보건의료세미나 (2022.05.24.)
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제54차 통일보건의료세미나 (2022.04.26.)
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제53차 통일보건의료세미나 (2022.03.29.)
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