You will have opportunities to get involved in research activities under the supervision of your training professor, and also present your work in department meetings or conferences. By completing this training, you will be able to publish your research results to renowned academic journals. Before you start your training, you will choose one sub-specialty from Tropical Medicine, Molecular Parasitology, and Immunoparasitology.
1.Tropical Medicine
You will participate in epidemiological investigation, diagnosis, management and analyze data of neglected tropicl diseases(NTD)
* Publication
- Effectiveness of Mass Drug Administration on Neglected Tropical Diseases in Schoolchildren in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Korean J Parasitol. (2020)
- Parasitic infections and medical expenses according to Health Insurance Review Assessment claims data in South Korea, 2011-2018. PLoS One. (2019)
2.Molecular Parasitology
You can learn about parasites or molecular biological movements of medium and engage in research activities for parasite diagnostic techniques with metagenomics.
* Publication:
- Comparative microbiome analysis of Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, and Tyrophagus putrescentiae. J Allergy Clin Immunol. (2019)
- Chinese liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis infection changes the gut microbiome and increases probiotic Lactobacillus in mice. Parasitol Res. (2019)
You will participate in research regarding the mutual reversal of pathogenic parasitic protozoa like Entamoeba histolytica andTrichomonas vaginalis, intracellular messenger, and host cell.
* Publication:
- NOX4 activation is involved in ROS-dependent Jurkat T-cell death induced by Entamoeba histolytica. Parasite Immunol. (2019)
- BLT1-mediated O-GlcNAcylation is required for NOX2-dependent migration, exocytotic degranulation and IL-8 release of human mast cell induced by Trichomonas vaginalis-secreted LTB4. Microbes Infect. (2018)
Trainees will be able to participate in :
1.Department Journal Seminar (Every week)
2.Yonsei Tropical Medicine Symposium (Annual/ bi-annunal)
3.Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (October)
4.Annual Meeting for Basic Medical Scientists (May/ June)
5.Conference of the Korean Society of Global Health (Bi-annual)
6.Conference of the Entomological Society of Korea (Bi-annual)
7.Conference of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology (Bi-annual)
8.Lab Meeting of Tropical Medicine, Molecular Parasitology, and Immunoparasitology (Every Week)
Duration | Lecture | Research | Conference & Seminar |
4 months | O | O | |
6 months | O | O | |
1 year (only available for Immunoparasitology) | O | O |
Hands-on Practice is allowed ONLY after the permission of Korea MOHW.
All activities and schedule are subject to change according to department schedule.