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[International Office] Interview with Dr. Crystal Karen Go Retuya

  • Views 97
  • Writer 제중원보건개발원
  • Date 25.02.03

1) Please introduce yourself.

Hello, I am Crystal Karen Go Retuya, 38 years old from the Philipppines.

I came here with my husband and sons, who are also studying here.

2) Where is your working place back in your country and what is your specialty?   

I am a board certified Dermatologist in the Philippines.

I am affiliated with St. Luke's Medical Center, Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines and the Skin and Cancer Foundation, Inc.

3) How did you get to know Severance? Why did you choose Severance as your training hospital?    

I came to Severance to have a subspecialty in Dermatologic Surgery and Mohs Micrographic Surgery. It has always been my passion to perform Dermatologic Surgery, and Severance Hospital has one of the best training programs for this specialty. In the Philippines, there are only a few Dermatologic Surgeons, I will be able to serve more people after my training here. Yonsei Severance is known for having the brightest Professors and Physicians, the most advanced technology in healthcare, and has paved the way for the globalization of medicine.

4)  How long is your training period in Korea?

My training period is from March 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

5)  Which area did you focus on during your fellowship at Severance?

I trained intensively to be a Dermatologic Surgeon under Professor Kee Yang Chung for the first 6 months and Professor Byung Ho Oh for the latter part of my stay in Severance.

6) What is the most impressive feature of Severance Hospital?

I have been in Severance for 10 months now, and I am still impressed with the quality of healthcare that is being delivered to each patient. I am amazed at the team effort that goes into each case and how each member is always prepared to carry out their task in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

7) What are the specific contents of your fellowship program at Severance?

I am training to be a Dermatologic Surgeon and Mohs Micrographic (Skin Cancer) Surgeon

8) If you were to get the chance to come back, which field of clinical study would you like to focus on?

Yes, I would still choose to study Dermatologic Surgery because it is a specialty that requires hands on training under the guidance of seasoned surgeons. Every new patient is a chance to learn new skills, techniques, and knowledge. Every day is a learning opportunity, and I always feel grateful that I was able to undergo hands on training with a medical license from the government of South Korea in such a prestigious Hospital.

9) Who are you most thankful for at Severance(who helped you the most) & why?

I am most grateful to my Professors, Professor Kee Yang Chung and Professor Byung Ho Oh who have been very patient and meticulous about my training. They made sure that I would learn enough skills and knowledge to be able to perform well when I go back to my home country. They have not only taught me about surgical skills and research, they have also helped me and my family adjust to the life here in Seoul. I am also grateful to our Wound Care Nurse Ms Kyoung Ae Nam and Professor Jin Woong Jung who have also contributed so much to my training at the Dermatologic Surgery Department.

10) What was your first impression of Korea?

My first impression of Korea is that everything was fast paced and done perfectly. It is one of the attitudes that I have come to adapt, and I believe it has increased my productivity and efficiency. I am very impressed with the exceptional results that come out off teamwork and being goal oriented, these are the values that I will bring with me when I return home.

11)What is the best memory so far during your stay here?

The best experience during my stay is completing surgeries using the skills and knowledge that my Professors have passed on to me. When I first came here, I knew I had so much to learn, and I wanted to make sure that I would make the most out of my training period. My stay here in Seoul has also allowed me to learn many things about Korean culture, and one of the things I will bring home with me is the exceptional work ethic that they have. I have no regrets doing the Severance International Fellowship, I believe it is one of the best decisions I made in my life career-wise, and I would gladly do it again without any second thoughts. I have made new friends that I will surely keep even when I return home to the Philippines, and I am now equipped with knowledge that I could never have acquired if I didn't move out of my comfort zone.

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