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[International Office] Interview with Dr. Shu Yu Lim

  • Views 1464
  • Writer 제중원보건개발원
  • Date 23.10.24
[International Office] Interview with Dr. Shu Yu Lim


  1. 1) Please introduce yourself.
  2. My name is Lim Shu Yu, I am 38 years old. I came from a family of teachers and am the eldest in my family, I have a younger sister and also a younger brother, and of course not to forget our precious family dog, Mishka!

  1. 2) Where is your working place back in your country and what is your specialty?  
  2. I work in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. I am an Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon.

  1. 3) How did you get to know Severance? Why did you choose Severance as your training hospital?  
  2. Well, it started with my mentor back in Malaysia. He had trained in robotic surgery at Severance, and I could see the profound impact the training had on his surgical skills.
  3. When the time came for me to choose a place for fellowship training, he was the one who suggested Severance. He described it as "the best robotic surgical center" in the world, and coming from someone I respect, this recommendation carried a lot of weight. Furthermore, Severance is renowned for its pioneering work in the field of robotic surgery. Knowing that I wanted to specialize in this area, it just seemed like the perfect fit. The opportunity to learn from Professor Hyung Woo Jin, who is a world-class expert in robotic gastric surgery, was something I couldn't pass up.

  1. 4)  How long is your training period in Korea?
  2. My training period is 6 months, from March 2023- August 2023.

  1. 5)  Which area did you focus on during your fellowship at Severance?
  2. My training has been primarily centred on robotic upper gastrointestinal surgeries. In particular, we've been focusing on gastric cancers, which is a prevalent issue in this region. Severance also handles a high number of laparoscopic cases, It's a valuable opportunity to refine my skills in both types of minimally invasive surgeries and understand their distinct advantages in different clinical situations. 
  3. My supervising professor is Prof Hyung Woo Jin, who has performed over 6000 cases of both robotic and laparoscopic gastric surgeries to date. 

  1. 6) What is the most impressive feature of Severance Hospital?
  2. The most impressive feature of Severance Hospital is the hospital's commitment to integrating the latest technologies into medical practice. The state-of-the-art infrastructure coupled with a dedicated focus on innovation is truly amazing. Besides having an exceptional robotic surgery system, they are also developing an AI navigation system that will improve precision in surgeries and reduces complications, 

  1. 7) What are the specific contents of your fellowship program at Severance?
  2. My fellowship program at Severance is centred on Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Upper Gastrointestinal Field. This involves training and practice in performing and managing surgeries using robotic assistance, especially in gastric cancer. The fellowship also provides opportunities for research, allowing me to be involve in clinical studies and trials. Furthermore, the program encourages us to participate in various conferences and workshops. I have had the opportunity to participate in the Korean Society of Endo-laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery 2023 (KSERS 2023) conference and International Gastric Cancer Congress 2023 (IGCC 2023) which have further increased my knowledge and understanding of this field.

  1. 8) If you were to get the chance to come back, which field of clinical study would you like to focus on?
  2. If given the chance to come back, I would love to focus on clinical research revolving around advancing the scope of minimally invasive surgical techniques in upper gastrointestinal surgeries. More specifically, I'd be interested in how artificial intelligence can further improve surgical outcomes in the field of upper gastrointestinal surgery. 

9) Who are you most thankful for at Severance(who helped you the most) & why?

I've been incredibly fortunate to work with a group of supportive and talented individuals at Severance, and it's hard to single out just one person.

Of course, I'm immensely thankful to Prof Hyung Woo Jin. His guidance and expertise have been invaluable in shaping my professional growth, and his unwavering dedication to the field of surgery is a constant source of inspiration.

Equally, I must thank the other professors, fellows, and residents in the department. Their patience and willingness to answer my questions have made my training here smooth and enlightening.

The hospital's nurses and physician assistants also deserve a shout out, they've provided invaluable help along the way, their dedication and efficiency still amaze me up to this day.

I'd be remiss not to mention my wonderful international friends. We've had a blast exploring Seoul together, and their companionship has made my time here feel more like home.

And finally, a huge thanks to Mr. Hans from the international office. His assistance and support have made navigating life in a new country a whole lot easier.

  1. 10) What was your first impression of Korea?
  2. From the moment I arrived, I was amazed by how modern and safe it felt, especially as a woman traveling alone. The transport system was one of the first things that stood out to me – it's simply one of the best I've ever seen. Oh, and let's not forget the coffee. As a self-confessed coffee addict, I can honestly say I found my personal heaven here. The cafes are not only incredibly aesthetically pleasing, but they also serve some of the best coffee I've ever tasted. So yeah, my first impression of Korea? It’s modern, safe, beautiful, and delicious – all at once!

  1. 11)What is the best memory so far during your stay here?
  2. My time in Korea has been filled with so many memorable moments, of course, gaining knowledge and experience in robotic gastric surgeries has been an incredible journey, but I think the friendships I've developed here have been equally meaningful. 
  3. I've been fortunate to connect with both Koreans and other international fellows, and we've had such a blast together. Exploring the local attractions, hiking in the beautiful outdoors, and indulging in Korea's delicious food and drink – these shared experiences have made my stay here unforgettable.
  4. Honestly, they've become like a second family to me here in Korea. The camaraderie, the mutual support, and the sheer fun we've had together – these are things I'll always cherish.

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